United Way's 211 is here to help answer questions and connect you to services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week...by phone, through our publications, via the online searchable database, by e-mail, or by chatting online with an Information Specialist.
Are you looking for information about:
- a support group?
- family counseling?
- services for an aging parent?
- financial assistance?
- volunteer opportunities?
- or other community services or groups?
Simply dial 2-1-1 (or 715-848-2255 or 800-922-5590) any time for free and confidential, personalized information and referrals. Information Specialists can answer your questions, tell you who to contact, and how to take the next step in solving your problems or meeting your needs.
2-1-1 Help Starts Here
- Connects people with nonprofit and government services in the Portage County Area by simply dialing 211.
- Provides information about support groups, family counseling, services for aging parents, financial assistance, volunteer opportunities, and so much more.
- Answers questions and connects those in need to service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and is completely free and confidential.
Click one of the options below for additional information.
Download Publications
Have you been recently laid off or have your hours been reduced? Check out 2-1-1's Help for Hard Times Guide. This guide is meant to help people in Portage County who are unemployed or struggling financially.
For a quick reference guide for community resources in Portage County, click here for the 2025 Portage County Resource Directory. This document is produced as a collaborative effort between United Way of Portage County, Aging & Disability Resource Center of Portage County, and Portage County Health and Human Services, along with the Stevens Point Buyers' Guide.
If you have a community program that you would like to see listed on United Way's 2-1-1 information, please complete the Community Service Form, save it, and submit it back to United Way's 2-1-1 by email/mail/fax. Before filling out this form, please look at the Community Information Inclusion Policy to see if your services fall within our criteria.
If you have a counseling agency that you would like to see listed on United Way's 2-1-1 information, please complete the Counseling Form save it, and submit it back to United Way's 2-1-1 by email/mail/fax.
(Agencies are intended as referrals only. We do not license, endorse or recommend any provider. 2-1-1 information is maintained and distributed by United Way of Marathon County.