
Endow Your Annual Gift

United Way appreciates your loyal annual support to meet current, critical needs of our most vulnerable populations. A gift to United Way Endowment is a way to ensure your annual support continues in perpetuity. A gift to the Annual Campaign impacts lives today, and a gift to the endowment impacts lives forever. 

With an endowed gift, a percentage of earnings is used annually to meet current, critical needs in our community. Using a 5% distribution rate as an example, a $10,000 endowed gift will generate $500 in perpetuity annually. A one-time gift to United Way Endowment provides an annual gift to ensure your gift remains relevant as the needs of the community change and evolve.

Donor Recognition
Donors who provide a signed Letter of Intent (intend to make a gift to the United Way Endowment), will be highlighted in the United Way of Portage County annual brochure.   

Gifts under $10,000 received to the United Way Endowment, will be recognized annually as a United Way Contributor, and upon death, will be remembered as a United Circle of Caring Legacy Donor.

Gifts of $10,000 or more received to the United Way Endowment will be recognized annually in the United Way of Portage County annual brochure. The donor’s name will be highlighted in the appropriate gift level section based on up to 5% distribution of the original gift. Upon death, the donor will also be remembered as a United Circle of Caring Legacy Donor.

Letter of Intent
If you intend to include the United Way Endowment of United Way of Portage County Inc. in your estate plans, thank you! Please fill out a Letter of Intent so we can acknowledge and thank you for your gift intentions. A letter of intent is not a legal obligation and may be changed by either party at any time.

To Complete your LETTER OF INTENT to give, click here.
