United Way’s Community Diaper Drive enables access to children’s diapers and other necessities for low-income families in Portage County. Diapers, wipes, diaper cream, and formula are collected by organizations and community members during our annual Community Diaper Drive which runs between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Collected items are given out to the community by local agencies. 



dates What


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In-Kind Donations: Sign up your organization to be a collection partner or drop off your donation to one of the public collection sites.

View the Walmart Wishlist here!

View the Amazon Wishlist here!

Monetary Donations: Drop off or mail cash or checks to United Way of Portage County at 2801 Hoover Rd. Unit 2, Stevens Point, WI 54481. Make out checks to United Way of Portage County and add “Diaper Drive” to the memo section. Donate online and add “Diaper Drive” in the comments section.


Individuals or organizations can sponsor a diaper bag filled with basic baby essentials to be given out to new caregivers through local agencies. Filled diaper bags start at $25 per bag. Please contact Stephany@unitedwaypoco.org or 715-254-2189 to sponsor a diaper bag.



How many diapers did United Way give out in 2024?

United Way of Portage County distributed $20,681 worth of diapers and wipes through our partner distribution sites in 2024. That equals approximately 72,734 diapers for the year, and 7,460 packs of baby wipes throughout the year. 

How will diapers be distributed?

•    Distribution will be provided through community programs serving income-qualified families. Organizations will use an intake system to confirm families meet established criteria.
•    Please call 2-1-1 (or 1-800-922-5590) to find out where you can pick up supplies in your community. 

Why diaper donations?

According to healthline.com, babies go through up to 12 diapers each day, using an average of about 3,000 diapers a year. With diaper costs around 35 cents per diaper, an adequate monthly supply of diapers costs $80/month or more per child and an annual cost of about $1,000 per year, per child. Wipes will, on average, cost another $500 per year per child.

Diapers cannot be purchased with food stamps or WIC.

According to the 2023 ALICE Report, 11% of Portage County households live under the federal poverty level. An additional 20% of Portage County households live below the ALICE threshold. ALICE refers to “Asset Limited, Income-Constrained, Employed” households. These households earn more than the Federal Poverty Level, but not enough to afford basic living needs. One in three mothers in the U.S. (36%) report cutting back on basic needs like food, utilities, or childcare in order to afford enough diapers for their children.

A lack of diapers can jeopardize a family's ability to remain economically stable, as well as their child's health.

Because of their inability to afford an adequate supply of diapers, a caregiver may choose to delay diaper changes or reuse a soiled diaper. This can lead to skin irritation and infections for the child. Discomfort, fussiness, and additional trips to the doctor add stress to the household. Consequently, caregivers can become disheartened and disconnected. In some cases, instances of abuse and neglect will increase.

Why disposable diapers?
95% of mothers in the U.S. solely use disposable diapers for their children.
Many Portage County licensed child care centers do not accept cloth diapers and require parents to provide a steady supply of disposable diapers. Many laundromats do not allow customers to wash cloth diapers, for sanitary reasons.


To learn more about the Community Diaper Drive, please contact Stephany Nellessen Zeyadeh by calling

(715) 341-6740 or by email. 


Stephany Nellessen Zeyadeh 

Community Engagement Coordinator 
