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LIVE UNITED™ is a nationally recognized movement. We strengthen our communities by improving education, income, or health. Our goals are clear, ambitious and attainable — but only with your support.


Your contribution will support the building blocks of better lives and stronger communities: a quality education that leads to a stable job; enough income to support a family through retirement; and good health. Donate.


Anyone can champion the cause. Whether you're reaching out to members of our community, or wearing the LIVE UNITED™ shirt to show your support. So go ahead and advocate in a LIVE UNITED™ world. Do it in public. Be visible. Be loud.


Each of us has special talents. Things we can do to help. Put your talents to work for Portage County. We can't do it alone. We need the hands and hearts of committeed people like you.

You can Give, you can Advocate, and you can Volunteer. You can do one, or you can do all three. By doing something today, we strengthen tomorrow.